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lyftup - the art of war 7 - Movement - Stay flexible and mobile to outmaneuver the enemy
lyftup - the art of war 6 - Exploiting Weakness - Attack where theyre weak protect your weak spots
lyftup - the art of war 5 - Energy - Use your resources and momentum wisely to keep the enemy off balance
lyftup - the art of war 4 - Preparation - Set up for success before fighting starts
lyftup - the art of war 3 - Winning Strategies - Its best to win without fighting be smart in your approach
lyftup - the art of war 2 - Cost of War - Keep battles short to save resources and energy
lyftup - the art of war 1 - Planning - Know your strengths and the enemys to make effective strategies
lyftup - Laws of Power - Law 48 Be formless like water Adapt to every situation
lyftup - Laws of Power - Law 47 Dont go past the mark Know when to stop
lyftup - Laws of Power - Law 46 Never appear too perfect It creates envy
lyftup - Laws of Power - Law 45 Preach change but never too much Keep people comfortable
lyftup - Laws of Power - Law 44 Disarm and infuriate with the mirror effect Reflect their actions back at them