Get Uplifted ⎯ with daily motivational quotes!

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What you seek is seeking you
Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least
The most respectful thing you can do for others is to not waste their time
Abundance is a mindset, not a circumstance.
lyftup - you can't stop the waves but you can learn to surf
Today is a new beginning
Lyftup - Focusing on the things you enjoy is essential for reducing overwhelming thoughts.
Lyftup - Stress will come and go in your life. Allow yourself to ride the waves.
Lyftup - A good leader doesn’t pretend to know it all.
Lyftup - Detail the vision, then the path to realisation becomes apparent.
Lyftup - Do one thing everyday that scares you
Lyftup - Your mind changes when you tell it what you want to see in your world.