Get Uplifted ⎯ with daily motivational quotes!

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lyftup - Everything we have today is the result of what we thought yesterday.
lyftup - Success is achievable if you collect the right field ⎯ tested beliefs and habits.
lyftup - Make learning fun! The more you imagine, the more you will learn.
lyftup - We can only succeed when we’re ready to fail, so that we can learn and grow.
lyftup - Regardless of the setback, you should not stop having a passion for what you do.
lyftup - Creating new habits isn't easy, neither is it tough. Relish trying.
lyftup - Don't be stuck in a career you don't like without an escape plan.
lyftup - Prioritise the opinions of people that you care about.
lyftup - Gods gift to man is his potential, man's gift to God is to develop it. - those who seize the day become seriously rich. - the mind is the only limit you've got when you know you can, you can - change will only take place if you are willing to take risks.